The National ECS, FOI & Privacy Commissioners & Ombudsman re independent, statutory officers appointed by the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Education Council under national applied laws legislation – the Education and Care Services National Law.
They provide a free service dealing with complaints about the bodies responsible for implementing Australia’s early childhood education and care regulatory system - that is, the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) and the State and Territory Regulatory Authorities (RAs).
Their roles were set up in 2012 to assist in ensuring that the national regulatory framework for early childhood education and care is accountable, responsive and fair.
The complaints the Commissioners and the Ombudsman can take must fall within their jurisdiction to investigate:
- The Ombudsman can receive complaints about the administrative actions of ACECQA only.
- The FOI Commissioner can investigate complaints about whether the FOI processes and actions of a RA or ACECQA are handled appropriately, and can review FOI decisions made by these agencies.
If you disagree with a decision made by ACECQA or a State or Territory Education and Care Regulatory Authority, you can ask for the decision to be reviewed.
For information on your review rights, read the fact sheet provided. - The Privacy Commissioner can investigate complaints about the handling of your personal information by a RA or ACECQA.
All three act as an impartial third party throughout an investigation of a complaint or a review, using procedures that are fair to everyone concerned.
Where appropriate they try to resolve your complaint through facilitating conciliation. The aim of conciliation is to resolve the issues through discussion and negotiation, allowing parties to reach their own agreement on the outcome.
Before making a complaint to the Ombudsman or Commissioners you should first contact the relevant agency you wish to complain about and provide them with an opportunity to address your concerns.
Further information is available at www.necsopic.edu.au